Still here
I'm still here. I haven't had Seanna yet. Last night I could not sleep. I got up at least 10 times. I couldn't get comfy. I could not fall asleep. When I did manage to doze off I had weird dreams that made absolutely no sense what so ever. I've been having stonger contractions but they are not regular. Some of them have been pretty painful. There are a couple of places on my stomach that feel like they are bruised on the inside from Seanna kicking the same place all the time. I really need to finish up my school stuff. Almost everything is ready. I need to do 4 more weeks of lesson plans and materials for my sub and for me when I get back from maternity leave. I also need to put together a "how to" book for my sub. The only question is what will come first, Seanna or finishing my school stuff. I'll keep you updated.
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